Om de data te uploaden bied SpoorInBeeld een tweetal mogelijkheden, offline en online dataupload.
Offline dataupload
Bij offline dataupload naar SpoorInBeeld maken wij gebruik van een Azure Data Box. Deze Azure Data Box kan per email aangevraagd worden bij [email protected]
Online dataupload
0. When you log in make sure you have the "ProRail" team selected in de right-upper corner:
- Choose run to upload (the run has status "Created" or "In Delivery"):
- If it is the first time, you need to click on "Start Delivery", otherwise you will see a SAS url available to upload:
- Now you need to follow the instructions in the following article to access the SAS url:
How to upload to SAS url - Open Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer and drag and drop all the files you need to upload
- You can also use the SDK for the dataupload.
The folder structure needs be according to available data structures, explained in Datastructuren voor leveranciers - When you have uploaded everything, you can finalise upload:
- When finalizing, you can upload the reports that you normally have as PDF in "E:\00_REPORTS".
And put in the date of acquisition of this dataset.
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